Musicians Bookings

CMJ Booking Policy and Information

Booking enquiries are handled by John Blandford, email, phone 01223 362550

Our main venue, Hidden Rooms, is a 100 capacity events venue and cocktail bar in central Cambridge. We also promote occasional larger events, in the Cambridge Jazz Festival and at venues in other parts of the town.

At Hidden Rooms, we promote gigs most of the year, usually monthly on Thursdays, although we can sometimes vary both frequency and day of the week provided the venue is available. We take breaks every summer during August and early September, and for about a month over the Christmas/ New Year period. We generally book about 8-9 months ahead of the gig date, although sometimes it is further ahead where band touring schedules necessitate an early decision.

We receive many more gig requests than we have slots available. We try to acknowledge all gig requests and give some indication of whether or not they are likely to be successful, but due to the volume of gig requests received we can’t always enter into prolonged correspondence.  We prefer to work by email, but recognise there are occasions, such as short notice musician availability, where phone calls are more appropriate.

We try to put on a balanced programme of different styles of jazz, both more established and younger bands, both singers and instrumental bands, etc. We feature mainly UK bands but also sometimes musicians from elsewhere, e.g. Europe or USA. We try hard to be inclusive of bands featuring women and ethnic minority musicians.

At Hidden Rooms, we have our own upright piano (Yamaha U3), but no other backline. We can sometimes borrow a drum kit from a local supplier. We have an in-house sound engineer who has standard PA equipment. However if bands have complex backline or PA requirements, the venue might not be suitable unless bands can bring their own kit, but please feel free to discuss this with us. The stage area can accommodate a septet, possibly more than this at a push, but above this number of musicians it tends to become more difficult, both logistically and financially.

Our booking policy for occasional concert promotions at other venues is broadly similar, however we often book a year or more ahead for concerts. As these are co-promotions, we have to obtain agreement for the event from the venue owner. In principle we can put on concerts at any time of year, however the number of concerts we co-promote is smaller, generally maximum 10 per year.

Please note that Cambridge Jazz Festival bookings are handled separately, although there is a high degree of cooperation between our two organisations. The festival takes place in November.